federal government jobs in pakistan

If you are looking federal government jobs in pakistan blog than you have come to right place. In this blog we will discuss defination of Federal, history and federal government of pakistan. if you want to read more interesting blogs please visit our website freshjob.pk

Defination of Federalism

Federalism, a form of political organization that unites separate states or other political entities within an overarching political system in a way that allows each to maintain its own integrity. Federal systems do this by requiring that basic policies be created and implemented through some form of negotiation so that all members can participate in decision-making and implementation.

The political principles that animate federal systems emphasize the primacy of negotiation and negotiated coordination among multiple centers of power; they emphasize the merits of dispersed centers of power as a means of protecting individual and local liberties.

There are numerous differences amongst the various political systems that identify as federal. However, certain characteristics and principles are common to all truly federal systems.

History of Federalism

In a narrower sense, federalism refers to the way in which the body politic of a state is organized internally, and this is the meaning most commonly used in modern times. However, political scientists use it in a much broader sense, referring instead to “a multi-layered or pluralistic concept of social and political life”.
The earliest examples of federalism were state alliances, which occurred in antiquity. Some examples from the seventh to second centuries BC were the Archaic League, the Aetolian League, the Peloponnesian League, and the Delian League.

An early precursor to federalism was the Achaean League in Hellenistic Greece. Unlike the Greek city-states of classical Greece, each of which insisted on maintaining its complete independence, changing conditions in the Hellenistic period forced many city-states to band together, even if it means giving up part of their sovereignty.

Subsequent confederations of states included the first and second Swiss Confederations (1291–1798 and 1815–48), the United Provinces of the Netherlands (1579–1795), the German Confederation (1815–66), the first American confederation known as the Confederation of the United States of America (1781–89 ) and the second American union formed as the United States of America.

Federal Government

The joint government of a national or supranational federation is known as the federal government. The various levels of authority that the federal government has may be assigned to it by its member states.

The federal governments have different structures. Two or more levels of government exist within a defined territory and govern through common institutions with overlapping or shared powers as prescribed by the Constitution, according to a broad definition of basic federalism.
A government at the level of a sovereign state is the federal government. This level of government is typically in charge of upholding national security and engaging in international diplomacy, which includes having the authority to sign legally binding agreements. Unlike local governments, the federal government of today can, in theory, enact laws that apply to the entire nation, as long as it stays within the bounds set by the constitution.

Written Constitution

First, the federal relationship must be established or confirmed through a permanent treaty of union, usually embodied in a written constitution, which outlines the terms under which power is divided or shared; the constitution can only be changed by extraordinary procedures. These constitutions are characterized by the fact that they are not mere agreements between rulers and ruled, but include the people, the general government, and the states forming a federal union. In addition, constitutional states often retain their own constitutional rights.


The political structure itself must uphold the constitution by allocating authority among several largely independent centres. One term for this distribution of power is decentralisation. Decentralisation is a means of guaranteeing that the general or state governments’ right to engage in the exercise of political power cannot be revoked without the consent of the people.

Scope of federal government jobs in pakistan

The national body of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, a federal parliamentary republic, is the government of Pakistan, officially known as the Federal Government under the constitution.
A federal government comprising four provinces was established by the Pakistani Constitution as part of a federation of a nation-state called the State of Pakistan. This is how the constitution is written:

The constitution governs the federal government. The federal government, which consists of the prime minister and (federal) ministers acting through the prime minister, the highest representative of the federation, exercises the executive power of the federation on behalf of the president.

According to the Constitution, the Prime Minister may carry out his duties directly or through (federal) ministers.
Major parliamentary legislation (a term adopted from the United Kingdom) includes the Pakistan Penal Code, the Exit Control List, and the Frontier Crimes Regulations.

These regulations outline the fundamental civil and criminal laws that apply to Pakistani citizens. The Constitution’s Article 246th and Article 247th have elevated the Islamic Jirga (or Panchayat) system to the status of a local government institution.
The legal system of the United States of America had a significant influence on Pakistan’s constitutional law, jurisprudence, and government administration reforms during the 1950s. The country’s judicial development has been influenced by the traditional jirga-based law, which has also been in place in a few areas since the 1970s.

Here is the list of federal organizations providing job opportunities.

Ministry of Interior

The Pakistani government’s Ministry of Interior, also known as MoI, is a Cabinet-level ministry whose main responsibilities are state security, internal policy implementation, handling internal affairs involving the state, and supporting the government with territorial matters pertaining to Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) and the insular areas of Provincially Administered Tribal Areas (PATA).

The Interior Secretary, the Minister of State for Interior, and the Interior Minister oversee the ministry. While the Interior Minister is a prominent member of the federal cabinet, the Interior Secretary is a Grade 22 officer.

Jobs seeking candidates are advised to visit the official website of interior ministry for jobs advertisement www.interior.gov.pk

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also referred to as Wazarat-e-Kharja or MoFA, is a government ministry responsible for overseeing Pakistan’s foreign policy and diplomatic and consular relations. Maintaining Pakistani government outposts with diplomatic and consular status is another duty of the MOFA.

Jobs seeking candidates are advised to visit the official website of Foreign Affairs ministry for jobs advertisement mofa.gov.pk

Ministry of Defence

The executive ministry of Pakistan’s federal government, the Ministry of Defence, also referred to as Wazarat-e-Difa or MoD, is charged with protecting the country’s territorial integrity and national interests.The Ministry of Defence is in charge of all government agencies that are directly involved in the security of the country and the Pakistan Armed Forces. It also supervises the mission execution of its policies.

The Minister of Defence is the head of the ministry and reports directly to the Prime Minister of Pakistan. The ministry’s existence and functions are defined statutorily in Part XII, Chapter II of the Pakistani Constitution.
In 2004, the Ministry of Defence Production was given control over the acquisition, manufacturing, and disposal of equipment. In terms of both personnel and budget, the Ministry of Defence is one of the biggest federal ministries under the Pakistani government.

Jobs seeking candidates are advised to visit the official website of defence ministry for jobs advertisement mod.gov.pk

Ministry of Energy

The Ministry of Power, also referred to as Wazarat-e-Tawanai and abbreviated as MoE, is an executive department of the federal government of Pakistan responsible for implementing the national energy policy as well as power generation and distribution of electricity across the country.

The MoE is divided into two departments: Power and Petroleum, each with its own set of responsibilities and objectives. The Department of Energy is in charge of managing the country’s overall hydropower output, energy conservation, and oil and energy production through alternative energy sources.

The elected Minister of Energy is led by the Minister of State (as his deputy) and the secretaries of individual departments to implement the policies and initiatives of the Ministry of Energy.

Jobs seeking candidates are advised to visit the official website of energy ministry for jobs advertisement power.gov.pk


What are the best government jobs in Pakistan?

Here are the best paying government jobs in Pakistan:
1.Pakistan Army
2.Pakistan Navy
3.Pakistan Air Force
4.State Bank of Pakistan
5.Ministry of Interior

Which government department has highest salary in Pakistan?

The highest paid employees belong to the Supreme Court, Supreme Court, Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan, Federal Sharia Court and Federal Judicial Academy, who are paid at least 300% more than the employees of the Federal Secretary.

What are the benefits of government job in Pakistan?

Paid sick leave
Paid Vacation / Vacation
Life insurance / disability
Payment of education/training/tuition/certification
Casual dress/atmosphere
Additional maternity leave

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